The Dispensing Tab

To view dispensing information, you must double-click the Dispensing node on the Explorer.


The Dispensing tab is made up of three sections: The Dispense Queue, the Run Queue, and the Resources area.


Dispense Queue

The Dispense Queue serves as a holding place for plates that you may want to dispense. Plates can be moved to the Dispense Queue by right clicking them on the Explorer and selecting Move to Dispense Queue (doing the same to an experiment moves all plates belonging to that experiment to the Dispense Queue).

You may have seen the Dispense Queue columns elsewhere in the application, except for the State column. The possible values for this column are as follows:

Dispensing tab

Run Queue

The Run Queue is the holding place for plates that are going to be dispensed.

To move plates from the Dispense Queue to the Run Queue, select the plates and then right-click them and select Move to Run Queue. You can also do this by double-clicking a plate.

You can move plates back to the Dispense Queue by right-clicking and selecting Remove from Run Queue.



The Resources area lists resources needed for dispensing all plates currently in the Run Queue. For each resource, you see the number available and the number taken up by the plates in the Run Queue. If there is a shortage of a resource, Rock Maker will warn you with an error message. The values in the Resources area columns come from the Rack Editor. See Tracking Ingredients with the Rack Editor for details.

Resources NT8 tab

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